for navigating remote or work-from-home scenarios

AV Solutions has over 15 years of experience helping organizations through their challenges with video conferencing technology. Have an AV or video conferencing challenge you need help with? Call our free help line below.

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Advice for Managing Remote Workers

A guide for managers from Harvard Business Review.

Establish structured daily check-ins

Have regular and predictable communication with your team so their concerns and questions are heard.

Provide several different communication technology options

Remote workers benefit from having a variety of communication platforms like video conferencing which help reduce the sense of isolation among teams.

Provide opportunities for remote social interaction

Structure ways for employees to have informal conversations about non-work topics while working remotely.

Provide encouragement and emotional support

Especially in a rapid shift to remote work, managers should acknowledge the stress and anxiety that employees may be feeling, as well as provide affirmation and confidence in their teams.

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