Understanding user needs and the outcomes they want to achieve will help you design and deploy meeting room technology solutions right the first time.

Get Hybrid Meeting Rooms that Break Less and Fix Faster

Hybrid work is a fact of the modern workplace, and that means issues with hybrid meeting rooms are a fact of life, too. But how many issues you experience with your hybrid meeting rooms, and how often they come up, is totally within your control.   

What to know about hybrid meeting rooms: While you can’t eliminate IT and AV problems entirely, you can minimize disruption to your employees and customers by designing meeting rooms that break less and can be fixed faster—sometimes before you even know there is a problem.  

Why outcomes matter: To deliver meeting rooms that break less, you need to focus on outcomes before you start thinking about hardware or even your budget. You might think you are saving money by choosing equipment quickly and installing it fast, but there is a cost to hybrid meeting rooms that don’t work reliably. Meeting participants are frustrated and unproductive, and your IT team is overburdened. 

Here are some things we can help you do to ensure your hybrid meeting rooms break less: 

How to keep hybrid meeting rooms working: No hybrid meeting room is perfect, so how can you fix yours faster when things go wrong? AVOS from AV Solutions is a proprietary all-in-one controlled room solution that is designed to do exactly that. Key features include: 

  • Easy operation so users can start meetings on their own without calling IT every time
  • Remote monitoring and real-time room diagnostics so support staff can track the health of your meeting room system from anywhere 
  • Auto correcting features that let the system self-diagnose and, in some cases fix itself
  • A help button that makes it easy for users to report issues quickly and get a fast response 

The bottom line: Hybrid meeting rooms work best when they are designed and deployed right the first time. Instead of spending time and money finding band-aid solutions for problems that shouldn’t be happening in the first place, start with a system that breaks less from the start and fixes faster when the rare issue does arise.

Next steps: Let’s talk more about the outcomes you are trying to achieve, and the hybrid meeting rooms system that can deliver them. Give us a call at 225.326.3832 or use the Contact Us page on our website to get started.

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